Sunday Funnies 8: Sunday Sketches



This week, with spring in mind, I turned a cosmetic brush into a blossoming flower. This idea came to me pretty quickly as I laid the brush down on a blank background and saw a sunflower in the making. I thought it would be timely with Easter this weekend and finally some spring weather in Atlanta.

Mapping Fun Home

I published my Mapping Fun Home assignment here! This was the definitely the hardest assignment we’ve been assigned thus far in this class. It was really hard to come up with a way to organize the graphic novel and put it all together into a model that would contribute to analyzing Fun Home. I chose to make my model more simple and to use it as a way to focus on the main patterns I saw. I wanted to be able to tie in the model to use it as a “guide” for my analysis.

Mapping Fun Home

I have published my map and analysis of Alison Bechdel’s Fun Home. This was the most difficult assignment that we have had thus far. The biggest challenge of the assignment was deciding how to start. The map that I chose to use would be the largest determiner in how well the assignment was done. This put a lot of pressure on this choice. If you would like to see the assignment for yourself click here. If you would like to see other assignments similar to this or the original prompt click here.

,Greer Howard

Sunday Funnies 8: Sunday sketches

A mixed gorilla face made by sketching around audio headphone cans

Christoph Niemann is an illustrator, artist, and author whose work regularly appears in the New York Times, the New Yorker, and elsewhere. He’s got a mixed media series that he calls “Sunday Sketches” (some examples in his portfolio here or check out his Tumblr for more), in which he takes some object from his surroundings and creates a sketch on the page around it.

For this week’s Sunday funnies assignment, make your own Sunday sketch in a similar style.


(image credit: “Sunday Sketching: #headphone #gorilla” by Christoph Niemann)


visual poem For this Sunday Funnies assignment, I created a visual poem of page 133 of Ishmael. I found this familiar to with doing the Sunday Funnies 4, creating a visual replica of classroom notes, but in this one it was much more than that. Having to choose which words in the page represent our interpretation, along with drawing visuals to capture the essence through a different medium.
Personally, from this excerpt, I felt that this issue on the population’s rapid growth is very pressing and the biological approach, which they apply to all species but focusing on the path that the humans are on to. That, I believe, is what eventually leads readers to question not of what’s being done to sustain our “population explosion” but of the prevention of the destruction of species diversity. I drew a tree to represent which in many cultures is a symbol of life.

Below is my poem:

One species exempting itself from law
ultimate effect
diversity destroyed
eliminating competitors
population explosion
increasing food production
to feed an increase in populating
still greater increase in population


any species in the wild will expand
to the extent its food expands
Mother Culture teaches that such laws do not apply to man
keep wondering if agriculture itself is contrary to this law
doesn’t have to be war waged on all life
that doesn’t support your growth

Sunday Funnies 7

Sunday Funnies 6


She looked up – autumn.. October.

the garden was particularly fragrant and sweet.

French doors in pale red and gold.

Sunlight entered and dissolved in the place

two couples had been married.


This assignment was very enjoyable and tedious at the same time for me.. I spent long nights this week trying to finish it but I’m pretty satisfied with the result :)

Hopefully the other Sunday Funnies won’t take me as long as the last two assignments…


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