Final Conferences

photo from a conference: coffee cup and books

I’ve made a Google doc with my availability between now and the end of the day on 5/6. Please find a thirty-minute slot where you are available to meet with me to discuss your work in the class and then enter your name in the Google column on the right and then please be certain that you enter that time in your calendar and show up at the time you’ve signed up for!

There are lots of slots available, so hopefully nobody will have a difficult time finding availability. If for some reason none of those times work for you, then please send me an email with a couple of times when you are available and I’ll try to work something out.

These conferences should be low-pressure meetings. We’ll spend most of the time looking at your site and discussing your writing, and maybe brainstorming future paths for your domain. If you have any questions about anything you’ve written or questions about the class or anything else, or something you want to do with your site that you haven’t figured out, then please feel free to ask and we can talk about it. Basically, I’d just like the opportunity to give you some individual, conversational feedback and to respond to any questions you have.

(image credit: “Conference Time” by Flickr user Christian Senger)

End of the semester surveys

I’m sure you are all familiar with the Emory course evaluation forms. I’ll give you time at the end of class today to fill out that form. However, that form is almost entirely focused on asking you questions about me and performance and doesn’t actually ask you anything about your own learning. The Writing Program wants to ask you a couple of questions about your learning, and I would like to know more about what you think you’ve learned this semester, so I’ve put together an end of semester survey of my own which I would like you to take first.

There’s also a survey that we’ve put together about your experiences with Domain of One’s Own. Please take a few minutes and respond to that one as well.

(image credit:Survey on Obama’s Cairo Speech by Flickr user Farrukh)

Class canceled for tomorrow, Fri 4/10

Banksy stencil on wall: "Follow Your Dreams" with "Cancelled" crossing it out

An opportunity has come up for me to take part in an important series of workshops on accessibility issues hosted here at Emory, running all day tomorrow and Saturday. I need to cancel our class meeting for tomorrow so that I can attend, but you should go ahead and read the article for Analyzing Vietnamerica for Monday.

In order to decrease stress at the end of the year and direct energies where they will be more productive, I’m also going to replace the final group project with a different activity we’ll all work on as a group and by asking that you make sure your sites are pulled together into a coherent portfolio by the end of the semester. We’ll talk about those plans when we meet next week, but rest assured that there is no way this shift will harm your final grades for the class.

(image credit: “Banksy in Boston: F̶O̶L̶L̶O̶W̶ ̶Y̶O̶U̶R̶ ̶D̶R̶E̶A̶M̶S̶ CANCELLED, Essex St, Chinatown, Boston by Flickr user Chris Devers)

Speak Out for Mental Health

Active Minds (an organization dedicated to reducing the stigma surrounding mental illness) is hosting the Speak Out for Mental Health on Wednesday, April 15th at 6:00 PM in White Hall 112.speakout

Students will have the chance to submit stories about struggles with mental health, stigma, and recovery, which will be read (anonymously if they choose) at the Speak Out. I am told that it’s a really empowering and awesome experience.

Week ahead: 12

A carving of a circular Mayan calendar
12 4/6 Vietnamerica (to p. 225)
4/8 Vietnamerica (to end)
4/10 Writer/Designer chapter 8
4/12 Due: Sunday Funnies 9

This week we’ll finish up Vietnamerica. Down the stretch of the semester, then, you’ll have stuff to write and revise, but you’ll have minimal reading assignments for the last two weeks.

I created a Doodle poll to see if it’s possible to find an alternate time for our final meeting on 4/30, 5/1, or 5/4. Note that the times overlap–just indicate any 2-hour window during those days when you are free. If there’s a time where every single person in the class is available, then we’ll schedule it for then. If not, we’ll stick with the designated time on 5/6.

(image credit: 12-12-12 * Calendario Circular by Flickr user jacinta lluch valero)

Sunday Funnies 9: Assemblies

Detail of cocktail recipe construction chart

Due: 4/12

For some unknown reason, the National Archives includes a document entitled Cocktail Construction Chart, which was created by the US Forest Service in 1974, showing recipes for a group of cocktails represented in the style of an architectural diagram.



For your next Sunday Funnies assignment, choose some compound thing from your life and break it down into its component parts, represented in some sort of an architectural diagram like this one. I’m less interested in the quality of the drawing itself and more in your analytical ability to break down something complicated into a series of steps and to represent that as if in such a diagram.

(Earlier today, I went through all the syndicated posts and cleaned up the tags. Please make certain to tag your post with “Sunday funnies” and with “sf9” and then you can add any other tags you might want to use as well.)

Sunday Funnies 8: Sunday sketches

A mixed gorilla face made by sketching around audio headphone cans

Christoph Niemann is an illustrator, artist, and author whose work regularly appears in the New York Times, the New Yorker, and elsewhere. He’s got a mixed media series that he calls “Sunday Sketches” (some examples in his portfolio here or check out his Tumblr for more), in which he takes some object from his surroundings and creates a sketch on the page around it.

For this week’s Sunday funnies assignment, make your own Sunday sketch in a similar style.


(image credit: “Sunday Sketching: #headphone #gorilla” by Christoph Niemann)

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