Sunday Funnies 6: Visualize a Quote

For my Sunday Funnies this week, I used a quote from C.Joybell C. I felt like this quote really allowed me to change the way I think about life. I realized that I don’t need to know where my future takes me, but to instead just live life in the present and take each day one step at a time. This quote really inspired me to just live life to the fullest and to love the uncertainty that comes with it.

quote collage large
quote collage #2
PicMonkey Collage

Quote Citation:

“A Quote by C. JoyBell C.” Goodreads. Web. 21 Mar. 2015. <>.

Image Citation:

Brenn, Moyan. “Freedom.” Flickr. Yahoo!, 28 May 2010. Web. 21 Mar. 2015. <>.

Grunig, Josef. “Freedom.” Flickr. Yahoo!, 30 Oct. 2007. Web. 21 Mar. 2015. <>.

Moore, Francis Gordon. “[ Freedom ].” Flickr. Yahoo!, 17 Oct. 2008. Web. 21 Mar. 2015. <>.

“Sky.” Flickr. Yahoo!, 31 May 2005. Web. 21 Mar. 2015. <>.

“I Asked the Wind..” Flickr. Yahoo!, 18 Jan. 2006. Web. 21 Mar. 2015. <>.

Magson, Terry. “Puzzle Muteson.” Flickr. Yahoo!, 1 June 2013. Web. 21 Mar. 2015. <>.

Culzon, Jesslee. “So Happy Together.” Flickr. Yahoo!, 20 Feb. 2007. Web. 21 Mar. 2015. <>.

Gard, Gregory. “Soaring Bald Eagle.” Flickr. Yahoo!, 6 Dec. 2014. Web. 21 Mar. 2015. <>.

Robertson, Randy. “Soaring.” Flickr. Yahoo!, 1 Oct. 2007. Web. 21 Mar. 2015. <>.

Sunday Funnies 6: Visualize a Quote

On September 12, 1962 JFK addressed Rice University about the “space race”. In the speech he talks about the power of the human spirit. He disuses the challenges that the human race have faced and overcome. I tried to represent this same tone in my “Sunday Funny“. I wanted to show the progression of human knowledge and accomplishments.

Jfk speech


Kennedy, John. “JFK RICE MOON SPEECH.” JFK RICE MOON SPEECH. 12 Sept. 1962. Web. 21 Mar. 2015. <>.

Image Citations:

Nihi, Chado. Evening Lake Glow Big Moon Finland. Digital image. Pixabay. 21 Feb. 2015. Web.

Tps, Dave. Mount Fuji Japan Mountains Landmark. Digital image. Pixabay. 20 July 2014. Web.

Images, Wiki. Moon Walk Astronaut Astronaut Suit. Digital image. Pixabay. 20 Mar. 2012. Web.

Images, Wiki. Rocket Launch Smoke Rocket Take off. Digital image. Pixabay. 20 Mar. 2012. Web.

659, Jma. Sphinx Pyramids Historic Egypt. Digital image. Pixabay. 20 May 2014. Web.

1962, Krakauer. Stonehenge Stone Circle England. Digital image. Pixabay. 20 Oct. 2014. Web.

Gib, Saran. Taj Mahal Unesco Site World Wonder. Digital image. Pixabay. 20 July 2014. Web.

Castigatioxes. Eiffel Tower Paris France Tower. Digital image. Pixabay. 20 Nov. 2014. Web.

Jansen, Patty. Sydney Opera House Australia. Digital image. Pixabay. 20 June 2014. Web.


Sunday Funnies 6: Visualize a Quote


For my Sunday Funnies 6 assignment (click here for assignment info) I used a quote I feel is extremely, depressingly relevant for college students, especially first year students who have more recently made the transition out of their childhood home. The quote is from the main character in the movie Garden State (2004) which is a film I would highly recommend. You can click here to be directed to the full quote, because I dissected it and shortened it for this project. The pictures used are not mine, but instead are CC-licensed so I will include the citations below.



BostonBill. Home for the Holidays. 1945. Flickr. <>.

Halvorsen, Geir. A Scandinavian Home Ca 1970. Flickr.<>.

Still Thinking–Home. 2011. Flickr. <

Ware, Kate. Home. 2013. Flickr. <>.


“Perhaps everything terrible is in its deepest being something helpless that wants help from us.”

I decided to participate in this week’s Sunday Funnies assignment along with y’all, so I made the video below to illustrate this quote from Rainer Maria Rilke:

How should we be able to forget those ancient myths that are at the beginning of all peoples, the myths about dragons that at the last moment turn into princesses; perhaps all the dragons of our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us once beautiful and brave. Perhaps everything terrible is in its deepest being something helpless that wants help from us.

So you must not be frightened if a sadness rises up before you larger than any you have ever seen; if a restiveness, like light and cloudshadows, passes over your hands and over all you do. You must think that something is happening with you, that life has not forgotten you, that it holds you in its hand; it will not let you fall. Why do you want to shut out of your life any uneasiness, any miseries, or any depressions? For after all, you do not know what work these conditions are doing inside you.


–Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet. Trans. Stephen Mitchell. Letter #8.

I recorded myself reading these two paragraphs using Audacity. Then loaded the audio as a base track in iMovie and layered the following photos over it:

I created short links for each of those photos using, so that I could easily include links in the credit page inside the video itself, in addition to listing them here.

I also added a layer of background music with a 1:00 excerpt of a piece by Phillip Glass, “Molly is a Dreamer” (from Theater Music Archive, Vol.I). The music is not in the public domain or Creative Commons licensed, so it’s possible that my video will be taken down if someone objects to it, but I believe that I’ve satisfied the requirements for Fair Use of a piece by only using a tiny sliver of Glass’s music, attributing the source, and using it only in a nonprofit and creative capacity.

When it was finished, I uploaded the video to YouTube and then embedded it into this post.

Revision of Tracing Persepolis

In my revision of the project, I decided to go more in depth with my analysis. It seemed that prior to the revision, my project didn’t really connect the two tracings into a bigger picture. Many statements I made were rather broad, and didn’t really go into my experience tracing the project. I’ve also have fixed some of the format of the pages and at times my images wouldn’t always line up with the text. I also decided to incorporate Gyeongmo’s analysis into my project. His analysis Satrapi’s distribution of a character in a scene really helped enhance the analysis of my pages.

Tracing Persepolis Revision

Here is my revised Tracing Persepolis project. I originally divided my project into two parts, tracing one and tracing two. For my revisions, I found three aspects the were similar and different for each page and divided my project based on that. My revised project is better because it has more commentary on the similarities and differences between the pages.

Tracing Persepolis Revision

I had a difficult time revising more than I had creating the initial project, but it’s finally done. I was reluctant to let go some of my pieces that needed revision simply because I didn’t want to do away with the commentary, but felt there was no place for them other than where they were. It’s dense but I think it fully encompasses the work of Persepolis. Enjoy!

Patterns in “The Ideal Husband”

I found many different visual patterns throughout “The Ideal Husband”. The settings of each frame of the chapter repeat themselves frequently. There are many frames that take place on the porch, many frames that are simply writing or text on a page, and many frames that take place in the kitchen. There are also several patterns of individual objects. The mother wears a headband in most of the frames that she is in. The mother, the father, and Alison all smoke throughout the chapter, and body and facial hair is shown on many men throughout the chapter.

There are also many patterns in the narrative. The father faces legal charges at the same time Nixon is being impeached, Alison receives her period and the locust emerge from the larva, and the idea of the play “The Importance of Being Earnest” and the fathers interest in young boys.


Patterns in “Ideal Husband” of Fun Home

One pattern that I have noticed in the sixth chapter (“Ideal Husband”) of Fun Home is change. There are several changes in terms of history, plot and characters that occurs within the chapter. For example, picking up the seventeen year locust represents the change of the insect from a larva to an adult. This was especially interesting as it corresponded with Alison going through puberty, when usually insects have a much faster life cycle. To add onto this, Alison getting a period is a turning point in her life in which she is moving towards being an adult from a kid. Other than this, Alison’s dad going to the psychiatrist and president Nixon’s impeachment are other examples of significant changes that occurs in this chapter.

Pattern in Fun Home: ‘Ideal Husband’

Throughout this chapter, many major events take place, all contributing to the idea that perhaps life is becoming much more real for Alison. There are numerous instances in Alison’s immediate life as well as the life of those around her where they must face the truth and by the end of the chapter, they do. There are three very clear examples: Alison’s Father seeing a psychiatrist, Nixon’s impeachment, and Alison getting her period. Alison’s Father is a little reluctant to let his family know that he is seeing a psychiatrist at the beginning. Alison even calls these meeting a ‘secret’. But, as the chapter progresses, Alison refers to “the sessions” (Bechdel, 184) very easily and like a normal part of life. Alison’s Father and her entire family face the truth and acknowledge that this is just another part of their life. Another interesting cycle where Alison must learn to face the truth is when she gets her period. Originally, she kind of brushes it off and decides that she doesn’t have to tell her mother about her period for a while. But, by the end of the chapter, Alison does get the confidence to talk to her mother about what happened. Although her mother doesn’t seem to care that much, Alison’s secret does come to light and Alison is able to face the truth which is a very big breakthrough. Lastly, Nixon’s impeachment process begins. At the beginning of the chapter this is just an idea but when we are nearing the end of the chapter, Nixon “threw in the towel” (Bechdel, 181). He realized that if he wanted to leave office without the reputation of being impeached, he had to resign. Nixon faces the truth. These are just three of the many examples of characters facing the truth throughout this chapter.


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