Mapping Fun Home

Earlier today I finished my Mapping Fun Home project.  Needless to say, it was very difficult to complete.  Perhaps the hardest part was just figuring out what I was going to do.  When I eventually did come up with an idea, it took me a while to decide how I would act on it.  In the end, though, I believe my map offers a unique, holistic interpretation of Fun Home.  

You can click here to see the original assignment page.

Mapping Fun Home Project

I have just published my Mapping Fun Home Project which looks at the shapes of different themes throughout the book. The themes that I examine are sexuality and internal conflict  both through the lens of the narrator, Alison. I have mapped not only the progression of these themes for Alison but also for her father. I chose to do this because the relationship between Alison and her father is very complicated and since the story skips around time-wise, it is hard to get a cohesive perspective on how the characters develop chronologically. These graphs, side-by-side, show the big difference in each character and how their relationship functions because there is such a large difference.


This project was very difficult for me because I have never made an infographic. I wanted to do something new. Along with this, while writing my reflection I had a little trouble making sure that I wasn’t completely summarizing everything but instead adding analysis to my reflection which I think I ended up balancing well. Overall, I am very proud of this project.


Here is the original project.

Week ahead: 12

A carving of a circular Mayan calendar
12 4/6 Vietnamerica (to p. 225)
4/8 Vietnamerica (to end)
4/10 Writer/Designer chapter 8
4/12 Due: Sunday Funnies 9

This week we’ll finish up Vietnamerica. Down the stretch of the semester, then, you’ll have stuff to write and revise, but you’ll have minimal reading assignments for the last two weeks.

I created a Doodle poll to see if it’s possible to find an alternate time for our final meeting on 4/30, 5/1, or 5/4. Note that the times overlap–just indicate any 2-hour window during those days when you are free. If there’s a time where every single person in the class is available, then we’ll schedule it for then. If not, we’ll stick with the designated time on 5/6.

(image credit: 12-12-12 * Calendario Circular by Flickr user jacinta lluch valero)

Mapping Fun Home

FunHomBookShelf2Here is my Mapping Fun Home project. The link to the assignment for project is here.

I found this project conceptually challenging.  First, it was hard to figure out exactly what i wanted to map.  Second, after having an idea for a map, it was a challenge to figure out how to best go about making the map. The idea of a visual representation of a pattern in a book is some what vague, and left me second guessing my map, time and time again. However, after creating something, and going with it, I thought my paper came together fairly easy, and I believe I again was able to balance writing for the internet, as well as create an argument that was circular. Ultimately, I am very pleased with my project. I hope you enjoy.

Sunday Funnies 9: Assemblies

Detail of cocktail recipe construction chart

Due: 4/12

For some unknown reason, the National Archives includes a document entitled Cocktail Construction Chart, which was created by the US Forest Service in 1974, showing recipes for a group of cocktails represented in the style of an architectural diagram.



For your next Sunday Funnies assignment, choose some compound thing from your life and break it down into its component parts, represented in some sort of an architectural diagram like this one. I’m less interested in the quality of the drawing itself and more in your analytical ability to break down something complicated into a series of steps and to represent that as if in such a diagram.

(Earlier today, I went through all the syndicated posts and cleaned up the tags. Please make certain to tag your post with “Sunday funnies” and with “sf9” and then you can add any other tags you might want to use as well.)

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