Analyzing Vietnamerica
Although the assignment Analyzing Vietnamerica was the most time consuming, it is by far one of the best of the assignments. I completely had no idea of what an “autoethnography” was until I was forced to grasp the Carolyn Ellis article. After grasping the meaning of postmodernism and auto ethnography, I completely knew what I would write about. Through my analysis of assessing whether Vietnamerica was autoethnographic, I showed how this text embodies the post modernist goals and ideas. I argue that Vietnamerica is somewhat autoethnographic , but I further that argument to show how it is not to support my postmodern claim. I found examples of how GB Tran actually argues for and against the term “autoethnography”, which proves that it did not completely fulfill the auto ethnography model. I am happy with my final product and I hope you guys are too. Here it is!