Tracing Persepolis Submission

Now that I have finished my first draft of the Tracing Persepolis project, I want to take a moment to reflect on my work.  First off, I underestimated the time it would take me to complete the project.  This was not necessarily a bad thing; in fact, it forced me to think critically about the text.  I never realized how much I could learn from two pages of Persepolis until I took a few hours to trace them.

My main goal for the project was to explore Satrapi’s purpose in writing her memoir.  This specifically meant diving into the themes and style of each page I traced.  I feel as though I grasped the most important ideas from each page as I was writing my project pages.  Please feel free to leave a comment with your opinion.

You can check out the original assignment here.

Tracing Persepolis: Reflection

The Tracing Persepolis project helped me better understand how graphic novels can affect a reader’s experience and better their understand of the story. My main goals for this assignment were to analyze the sizing and placement of panels, facial expression of characters, and shading techniques used on two pages of the novel. I analyzed how these features created visual tension between the two. I found it challenging to pick two uniquely different pages that contained these three features of a graphic novel. After I choose my two pages, I found it challenging to choose which characteristics of the images to include in my tracings in order to emphasize my analysis. I tried to include parts of the image that stood out to me in a way that affected my interpretation of the page. What makes Marjane Satrapi’s, Persepolis, so unique is her decision to tell her story through a graphic novel format. I explored how three features of a graphic novel allow the reader to create new associations in and among the panels that would not have been possible through a traditional prose.