Week ahead: Ides of March Edition

Marge Simpson looking angry "Beware the Eyes of Marge"

(A version of this post was in the queue on Sunday but I didn’t manage to publish it on time, so now the joke of the feature image is sort of ruined. I’m going with it anyway.)

9 3/16 Fun Home, “The Ideal Husband”
3/18 Due: Completed revision of Tracing Persepolis.
3/20 Fun Home, “The Antihero’s Journey”
3/22 Due: Sunday Funnies 6

Note that I revised the schedule slightly. Since we didn’t really talk about “The Ideal Husband” much in class yesterday, I moved back finishing the book to Friday and moved the revision deadline to tomorrow. We’ll discuss “Ideal Husband” in class tomorrow and then on Friday finish the book. We’ll talk some on each of those days about Mapping Fun Home.

(image credit: “Beware the Eyes of Marge“)

Tracing Persepolis Revisions

Complex lines marked in sand

Once your Tracing Persepolis revisions are completed, publish a post on your site that links to the splash page for the project.  Include one or two paragraph where you describe your revision strategy for the project. Explain what you changed and why, and how the revised version of the project is stronger than the draft that you published before spring break?


(image credit: “Traces in the Sand” by Flickr user fdecomite)

Using tables

Photo of a rustic table

As you’ve been working on your Persepolis projects, many of you have asked about how to get images to line up in specific ways, especially to get a pair of images to line up side-by-side on a page (like I’ve done with the covers of our three primary texts on this site’s splash page). One really good way to control the layout of your pages is with tables. WordPress uses the HTML code to create tables just fine, but the post editor does not by default include a simple button to insert tables, the way that MS Word or Google Docs do.

One way to create tables, then, is to just switch to the Text tab in the top right of your post or page editor (instead of the Visual tab) and insert the HTML code manually. Here’s the w3schols tutorial page on coding tables.

A much easier method for most users is to add a plugin that opens up the range of options available in the text editor boxes for WordPress. In the “getting started” with Domain help pages on plugins, I recommend that you start by installing a plugin called WP Edit. Since I wrote that page, I’ve found another plugin that I like even better called Easy Bootstrap Shortcode, and that’s the one that used to create the tables on the front page for this site (and the accordion folds in the resources page).

Screenshot of the buttons added in the WordPress text editor by Easy Bootstrap Shortcode

Screenshot of Easy Bootstrap Shortcode buttons. (Table button highlighted.)

If you install Easy Bootstrap Shortcode, it will add a third row of buttons to your text editor. Hover over each to see what it does.

Insert tables dialog box

Insert tables dialog box

If you click the button to insert table, you’ll get a dialog box, where you can choose how big the table should be, how many rows and columns it should have, and some other styling features.

Once you’ve set your options, click the Insert Table button and the plugin will insert shortcode to your post or page that generates the table on publication.

Shortcode for table

Shortcode to insert a table

Here’s what that initial shortcode looks like for a table with a header row plus two more rows and 4 columns: If you just publish that post as is, you’ll get a table that looks like this:

Sample table

Sample table

If I want to have two images side-by-side, the easiest thing to do is to insert a simple table with only one row and two columns and replace the text with the two images.

So this:

Sample table with images

Looks like this when it’s published:

"Conference Time" by Flickr user Christian Senger

Conference Time” by Flickr user Christian Senger

A cartoon diagram of the steps for jarring potatoes which looks like it's from the 1950s. There's a stereotypical pair of women in aprons, moving through the steps and a diagram of the necessary implements at the bottom.

Housekeeping” by Flickr user Fabian Mohr.

Or here’s another table:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed iaculis nunc ligula, ac eleifend libero pellentesque nec. Integer at venenatis arcu. Quisque vel mattis purus. Aliquam erat volutpat.

A photo of a train schedule board.

Train Schedule” by Flickr user Q Family

Nulla in orci metus. Sed in ullamcorper velit. Nam ornare dapibus urna in eleifend. Quisque nec risus non leo viverra volutpat quis rhoncus est. Mauris congue risus ac nisi vestibulum viverra.

"Comments by Flickr user Judit Klein

Comments by Flickr user Judit Klein

Aliquam sodales efficitur est ut finibus. Nulla enim urna, dapibus bibendum tempor quis, condimentum eu magna. Sed ut aliquet dui, ut finibus ipsum.

A photograph of a book with post it flags stuck in its pages.

231 by Flickr user Jay Peg

"Long Tang Table" by Flickr user Jonas erian

Long Tang Table” by Flickr user Jonas erian

Nullam elementum vel ipsum quis aliquet. Vestibulum quis ultrices ipsum. Suspendisse mollis ultrices felis, eu tincidunt diam tincidunt id.

"Unclickable Link" by Flickr user quinnanya

Unclickable Link” by Flickr user quinnanya

Pellentesque ut suscipit odio, id mattis dui. Nullam congue neque finibus facilisis sodales. Nulla ultricies, purus eget efficitur iaculis, est lectus semper lectus, ullamcorper congue dolor mi molestie neque. Ut neque est, consequat scelerisque semper rhoncus, posuere eget turpis. Sed ante leo, sollicitudin eget blandit ut, molestie sed neque. Nunc euismod faucibus mi, at ullamcorper turpis laoreet pellentesque. Mauris vel erat egestas, auctor velit eget, pulvinar est. Sed congue, metus in pulvinar posuere, neque leo efficitur nisi, sed facilisis quam enim ut purus. 


(image credit: “Long Tang Table” by Flickr user Jonas Merian)

Schedule shuffling

A photo of a train schedule board.

Note that I rearranged the schedule slightly today. Since we had a snow day on Wednesday and discussed the projects today, I moved Wednesday’s reading to Monday. If you completed the reading for the class that was canceled, then all you need to do this weekend is work on your Sunday Funnies map and think about revising your Persepolis project. Other readings over the next couple of weeks shuffled around slightly, so make sure you check the schedule.

Over spring break, the only reading you’ll need to do is one chapter of Fun Home. You will need to revise your tracing project and you might start to think ahead toward how you’ll tackle mapping Fun Home as well.


(image credit: “Train Schedule” by Flickr user Q Family)

Citations, Pages, Post…

A photograph of a book with post it flags stuck in its pages.


Where applicable, use MLA Formatting and Style principles in your writing for this class. Obviously, you should not worry about such issues as headers and margins and the other stylistic requirements that apply to the printed page, but when you quote sources, use the MLA in-text citation guidelines just as you would if you were writing a traditional paper.

If the only source you are quoting from in your tracing project is Persepolis, you do not need a Works Cited page for this project, but you should have an MLA citation for the text on your splash page. ((If you want to include that citation as a footnote, you might install a plug-in called Civil Footnotes.))

If you have relied on other sources in your project and they are not online, then you should include an MLA citation for those sources as well. If you have relied on online resources in your project, link internally to that work as you do so and include an MLA citation for those sources.


Once again, all of the Tracing Persepolis project should exist on your site as pages, with a splash page and then a series of subpages underneath that page. The splash page and subpages should be included as menu items on your site for the class.


After you are entirely finished with your project, by midnight tonight, write a blog post that includes a link to the splash page for your project. This blog post will syndicate to the course feed and will serve as mechanism by which you “turn in” this project. Besides the link to the splash page, you should also link to the assignment page. Tag your post “tracing persepolis” and with any other tags you want.

I also want you to write a paragraph or two of reflection in that post–explain what your main goals for the project were, what you found challenging about meeting those goals, and how you attempted to solve those challenges.


(image credit: “231 by Flickr user Jay Peg)

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